The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs
Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World by Sean Carroll won the 2013 Royal
Society Winton Prize for Science Books.
As an aside, understanding the physics of the Higgs Boson is no mean
Consider Wikipedia’s explanation: In the Standard Model, the Higgs
particle is a boson with no spin, electric charge, or color charge. It is also
very unstable, decaying into other particles almost immediately. It is a
quantum excitation of one of the four components of the Higgs field. The latter
constitutes a scalar field, with two neutral and two electrically charged
components, and forms a complex doublet of the weak isospin SU(2) symmetry. The
field has a "Mexican hat" shaped potential with nonzero strength
everywhere (including otherwise empty space) which in its vacuum state breaks
the weak isospin symmetry of the electroweak interaction. When this happens,
three components of the Higgs field are "absorbed" by the SU(2) and
U(1) gauge bosons (the "Higgs mechanism") to become the longitudinal components
of the now-massive W and Z bosons of the weak force. The remaining electrically
neutral component separately couples to other particles known as fermions (via
Yukawa couplings), causing these to acquire mass as well. Some versions of the
theory predict more than one kind of Higgs fields and bosons.
Yes I know what you’re thinking…
And more than once the reader of this book is comes across sections
which might as well be read as a part of an advanced physics curriculum.
Carroll writes, "Whenever we have symmetry that allows us to do
independent transformations at different points (a gauge symmetry), it
automatically comes with a connection field that lets us compare what is going
on at those locations,"
But here is the difference, not only does Carroll acknowledge the
complexity of the science, he goes to great lengths to pace his book
carefully as well as taking, were possible, a light natured story telling
style. This includes trivialities and frivolities that are not short in supply
when you consider there are 6000 scientists and technicians who work on the
world’s largest particle accelerator, The Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
The Particle at the End of the Universe not only explains the
importance of the Higgs boson but also the Large Hadron Collider project
itself; A project sure to lead some to win the Nobel Prize.
Carroll explains the importance of the LHC - learn that sub-atomic
particles come in two varieties: fermions that make up matter, and bosons that
carry forces. The latter include gluons, photons, gravitons and of course the
Higgs. The former, the fermions, include leptons such as the electron and
quarks of which there are six types: up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom.
On top of that we have issues of symmetry, force fields and wave functions.
However, the over ambitious attempt to write the definitive account of
the laws of nature for the layman there are great chunks of text which are not
only demanding but may leave us with the impression that such an account is
simply not feasible.